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Our Mission

We want to become your strategic technology partner. 

We help our client-partners create custom technology solutions that improve operations, innovate business, and forge new market opportunities.

We accurately analyze, design and build software using the right tools and exacted technologies necessary to solve problems as they uniquely demand.  

From Fortune 50 to any business size, we strive to give you confidence that no matter how great the challenge, we'll produce the outcomes need to your full satisfaction. 

Our Story

Product Lab was created on a foundation of 25+ years of technology experience to solve what's largely missing in today's global mass market of software development agencies:  expertise, perfection and efficiency.

Big development shops build their value on volume.


We build ours on accuracy and quality.


Every business requires unique solutions to fit their own model. From off the shelf CRMs, to inventory management, businesses need customization or uniquely designed and highly complex solutions for internal and external operational growth.

Solving this at scale is our core competency. 


Dozens of our expert engineers, designers, specialists and executives have successfully solved hundreds of projects both small and large across enterprise, IoT, mobile and web at every level, and bring their know-how and expertise to every client-partner on every project. 


As a solution-focused organization, we're dedicated to building innovative, powerful and bleeding-edge solutions as emerging challenges continue pushing businesses to the next level of growth.

Co-founders Jason Bennick and Wes Reid originally met in New York City in 2015 while each were separately solving large scale technology and business operational challenges.


After Wes' prior work at the New York Stock Exchange, he was at American Express™ as a global technology leader to architect and lead a global re-platform of the online customer acquisition process spanning 21 credit card products for consumers and the OPEN for Small Business sectors.

Jason was in New York orchestrating the relocation and back office platform build of a 200mm private equity firm, having built multiple startups, including AutoLoop, which he grew in 2008 from seed phase and less than 6 employees to 200+ doing over 65mm ARR with 100mm market value in 6 years.

Jason & Wes then joined forces to pursue building a host of technology platforms, evolving today into Product Lab where Wes leads all client-partner product development and Jason is Board Chairman and Senior Partner.  

They each bring well over 25 years of experienced technology and business leadership to Product Lab and every client-partnership and project.

Experienced Leadership

Abstract Lines

Human Respect

Respecting one another is a fundamental value of Product Lab.


We are committed to equal opportunity and are intolerant of discrimination and harassment of any kind whatsoever.


We strive to maintain work environments virtually or physically, that are free from discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, sex, color, national or social origin, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identification or expression, political opinion or any other status protected by applicable law.


Our basis of recruitment, hiring, placement, development, training, compensation and advancement is based 100% on qualifications, performance, skills and experience.


We do not tolerate disrespectful or inappropriate behavior, unfair treatment or retaliation of any kind. Harassment is not tolerated across any aspects of the company, nor in any work-related circumstance outside the workplace.

From the top down and across our entire company, we treat one another with equality and respect, and believe this to be a core foundation of our success.

786-788-5737 (office)

973-346-9212 (fax...yes)

777 Brickell Ave Ste 500

Miami, FL 33131

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